Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Learnings In IT 19 ( Technical Skills Presentation in IT)

When I was enrolled in this subject, I was wondering before on what would IT 19 is all about, and also who will be our instructor. I am excited to the learning that he will relay to us, his student and also to the skills that might be added to my knowledge from his teachings. I thought before it 19 was just a kind of boring subject, until I found out that this subject was full of learning and fun.
            I am really glad that Mr. Yolly Peligrino was our instructor of this subject, though some students say’s that (over over naman kau na c sir uie, parang IT 19 ra, kami sa una wala man me gelisod-lisod ana grabe naman pud na xa), despite of that I am so very thankful to him, the way he teach us because I noticed that he wants us to be trained, he wants us to experienced what is the feeling of being pressured, what is the feeling of being centered of many people, so that in real world we become one of the competitive individual in the industry we want to belong.
            This subject was split into two sessions which is the laboratory and lecture, during the lecture usually Mr. Yolly give some inputs regarding to the topics that we discussed and explain to us.  During this session I learned how to be more responsible and dependent because there are topics that he wants us to research and immediately have a quiz during laboratory see how pressured is that, we only had 2 hours to study, that’s why I am more aware on that kind of situation because as a student it’s our responsibility to study and be ready always. During the laboratory session usually during this time, we are going to have a role play which is still related to the course and to the topics that we are tackled. The said activity shows on how we are going to handle some instances that we could possibly encountered in real world someday, and on how we are going to solve it in an instant time. This kind of activity involves on how to enhance the capability of 
Our critical thinking skills if ever we are in pressure situations. For me through this it’s one way to enhance our capability to find solution for a certain problems. Then one thing I’ve been noticed is by the time I am pressured, there’s a lot of ideas will come up into my mind, maybe it’s what we called the sympathy of adrenalin rush.
            Through this subject I feel that I am more confident than before, I learned more how to become responsible and disciplined in terms of time scheduling and more vigilant to the task that is being impart to us, that we should show our professionalism, though we are not yet, but at least through IT 19 for me it’s one of the best practiced I had.
            Through IT 19, I am more vigilant to the Do’s and Dont’s in making a slide presentation, that preparing a slide will not just a slide but it has a rule to be follow, now I know that the slide should not be too colorful nor full of effects it must be avoided, especially when it is a formal presentation that going to present in an office or in front of you bosses. It should be look like a professional too, when you are going to present it. And as well as It should be that the presenter should know her/his line and can explain what is the thought of her/his report. The presenter should know her movement in order to be pleasant to look at in front of the audience.
            Through IT 19, I learned how to create an Advertising (one way to inform the audience), while making this activity It’s my first time that I am being introduced to the software which is the ULEAD. I really had fun while making this activity because I sense my usage as an editor in our group. Aside of having fun I also learned how to explore the ULEAD software what is its features, effects and etc. by doing the said activity I realize that it is not easy to be put in a pressure mode. Though it is not really perfect when it’s done as long as I got a new knowledge about making some advertisement or even Infomercial type of Advertising, that can add up to my skills it’s already a big accomplishments to me.
            Through IT 19, my best memorable event of this semester was done, when we reach the topic about Filmmaking. In this activity I am belong to the group1 which is, we really stand the name of having a filmmaking. This was the time that we are able to go to Cabadbaran to shoot for the scenes that being part of the film, during the shooting I had a lot of bonding with my Group mates , I think it’s really nice because I know them more than before that we’re not yet a group. And also through this I know more about the ULEAD I know already how to edit videos and compile it as a movie. Aside from ULEAD I am being introduced also to different kinds of software.
            Thank you very much Sir, for handling this Subject and also for giving us another chance   by the time we pass our activity late. Though for others you strict but in behalf of my classmates we really appreciate your effort for sharing your great knowledge about IT 19 and for making us to realize that in this course Professionalism is important ,being responsible and disciplined is the key. I will always bear your legacy wherever I am.
            Do not be a stagnant; Technology is changing Every Now and Then.
                                                God Bless…



Monday, July 12, 2010